
ELS Domains

The Early Learning Scale examines four items within the Math/Science domain.

Classification and Algebraic Thinking

For each item, you will learn about the strands and indicators along the developmental trajectory for each item.

Geometry and Measurement

You will learn content knowledge in each item and view examples of observable behaviors, work samples and anecdotes.

Scientific Inquiry

You will also have the opportunity to identify high-quality anecdotes and practice scoring data for the ELS in this domain.

Be sure to explore each item fully before moving on.

For more information about Math and Science in the preschool years, please read the NIEER Policy Brief – Math and Science in Preschool: Policies and Practice
by Kimberly Brenneman, Judi Stevenson-Boyd and Ellen C. Frede
NIEER Policy Brief (Issue 19, March 2009)